Where is The Vizag International School ?
The Vizag International School is Located in Vijayanagaram , Andhra Pradesh, India
Address of The Vizag International School, Vijayanagaram
How do I contact The Vizag International School?
Call at +91-9949401711 to contact The Vizag International School
About The Vizag International School
Teaching methodology of TVIS is unique when compared with other schools. It is designed on three principles of Practicals, Theory and Assessment. Thus, our curriculum is mostly Project oriented and revision oriented. Student’s mental health is a priority at TVIS. Thus, it is compulsory for all the Students to participate in activities like yoga, music, games etc for 1 hour daily. Focus on strengthening Communication Skills, Language and Literature. Our curriculum includes special programs like No-Bag day and Story Telling to make students speak English fluently.
TVIS provides individual care. We have an exclusive team for motivating and counseling the students. We offer special training for Spell Bee, Olympiads etc. to our students to face the competitive exams. We also train our children in Sports and Games and encourage them to participate in local and national level competitions. TVIS has the best of sports and games facilities and perhaps ranks first in terms of open space per student, among the CBSE schools along east coast of India. TVIS is most eco-friendly school with zero carbon entity powered by its solar technology. Our vision and mission gives us the drive and constant reminder to not deviate from our ideology and chosen path. We have been successful in achieving our goals since inception and strive to reach milestones that we established for us and set new benchmarks in the field of education. Now we stand as an epitome in imparting a world class of education. To develop the holistic personality of a child and instill the ability to learn, inquire, think Understand and innovate by nurturing value based education that inculcates moral, social, emotional and intellectual values.