Where is The Divine International School ?
The Divine International School is Located in Solan , Himachal Pradesh, India
Address of The Divine International School, Solan
How do I contact The Divine International School?
Call at +91-9805002060 to contact The Divine International School
About The Divine International School
Separate hostel for girls and boys , Sufficient number of toilets with Indian and Western Seats, Each child is provided a bed, locker, mattress and bed sheet.The quilt has to be arranged by the students.
A list will be supplied by the school to parents which have to be arranged for the child and will be handed over to the hostel in charge at the time of admission.Maid servant (Aayaa) will be helping in taking care of children in both washing of clothes and their belongings. A dedicated team of teachers is committed to excel with scientific modern approach and based on ancient principles of teaching, we are dedicated to achieve those aims and objectives for which you are sending your children to The Divine International School (DIS). Trainings and workshops are conducted for the development of this team, which is essential to keep up with the global challenges.We focus on the comprehensive growth of our students by working on their hearts and minds by directing to their academic, cultural, physical and social needs imbedded with positive values, discipline, dedicated and determined mind. We are fully committed to impart quality education by investing all the skills, talents and knowledge. We endeavor not only to produce academic results but also to create an admirable framework for developing life skills. We are committed for quality education, art of life skills, all round development and global standards. A student can be withdrawn at the parent request at the end of an academic session. The withdrawal of a student will be granted only on submission of a written application to Principal one month prior to the withdrawal with no due certificate obtained from various sections of the school.