Where is The Cathedral Vidya School ?
The Cathedral Vidya School is Located in Pune , Maharashtra, India
Address of The Cathedral Vidya School, Pune
How do I contact The Cathedral Vidya School?
Call at +91-9923756950 to contact The Cathedral Vidya School
About The Cathedral Vidya School
We are proud of having contributed to the great minds of prominent dignitaries of the world. Alumni from our Mother School like JRD Tata, Ratan Tata, Anand Mahindra, Salman Rushdie, Anita and Kiran Desai, Fareed Zakaria, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, Muhammad Ali Jinnah amongst others have received the training and nurturing required which has enabled them to make a contribution to Art, History and Culture and to Humanity as a whole. Our History has seen enriching experiences, decades of presenting valuable citizens to the world and an unquestionable reputation of having created a niche in the world of education. The Cathedral Vidya School is a new school which teaches how to belong to the old school. The school embraces the modern teaching pedagogical practice and is still rooted in traditional value systems. State of art facilities are made available for students, so that they are not denied the best and finest in education. The Cathedral Vidya School received the following titles and awards during this session; from the following associations:
1. Education World
2. Education Today
3. Zamit International
4. ISSO (Others: From a Sports Association)