- 1998
( I.C.S.E)
You are on questions
-Answers to this paper must be written on
the paper provided separately. You will NOT be allowed to write during the
first 15 minutes.
-This time given at the head of this paper
is the time allowed for writing the answers.
-Attempt all questions from Section A and four question from Section B.
-The intended marks for questions or parts
of questions are given. in brackets [ ].
Attempt all questions.
(Answers should be brief and to the point).
Q. 1 (a) What are the chief
methods of lending available to commercial banks?
(b) Give two characteristics of the Green Revolution.
(c) Define the role of capital in production.
(d) Mention two features of a mixed economy.
Q 2. (a) Distinguish between Simple
and Complex Division of Labour.
(b) Explain how division of labour is limited by the extent of
the market.
(c) How does rapid growth of population aggravate the food problem ?
(d) Mention two causes for the low productivity of Indian
Q 3. (a) State the factors
which determine the creation of savings in a country.
(b) Mention two factors which determine the supply of labour in a country.
(c) State any two drawbacks of State enterprises.
(d) Give two features of sole proprietorship.
Q 4. (a) Differentiate between Sunk
Capital and Floating Capital.
(b) Give two factors that show the importance of agriculture for
industrial development.
(c) Mention two advantages of a bank account.
(d) Examine any two major problems of the Jute
Industry in India.
Answer any four questions from this Section.
Q 5. (a) What is the meaning of
"land" in economic terms ? Discuss any four peculiarities
of land as a factor of production.
(b) Discuss the importance of Small Scale
Industries and Cottage Industries in the Indian economy.
Q6 (a) Explain briefly the meaning of
efficiency of labor and state four factors which determine the efficiency
of labor.
(b) What is meant by "agriculture labor" ? Give four reasons for
the rapid growth of agricultural labor in India.
Q.7 (a) Describe the
quantitative method of credit control adopted by the central bank to
control credit.
(b) What are the co-operative societies? Explain the three different
ways in which is co-operative are organized in India.
Q8. (a) How is a Joint Stock
Company formed ? In what four respects does a Joint Stock Company differ
from a Partnership?
(b) Discuss two objectives of land reform and give a brief account of
tenancy reforms in India.
Q9 (a) What is meant by
subdivision and fragmentation of holdings ? Describe any four causes for
the subdivision and fragmentation of land holdings .
(b) Examine any four reasons for the importance of good transport in a
growing in economy like that of India .
Q.10. (a) What is Economic
Planning ? Explain the reasons for the three Annual Plans of 1966-'68,
(b) Discuss any four functions of the Government in economic development.
Q.11 (a) Discuss any four
reasons to show that rapid industrialisation of our country is essential.
(b) What is fiscal policy ? How can fiscal policy be used for economic
development .