Where is Delhi Public School ?
Delhi Public School is Located in Guwahati , Assam, India
Address of Delhi Public School, Guwahati
How do I contact Delhi Public School?
Call at +91-7086055501 to contact Delhi Public School
About Delhi Public School
Delhi Public School is the best day boarding in Assam. With a vision to cater to the need of education for the global citizens and with the motto “Service Before Self” the society saw the first sunlight at Mathura Road getting its foundation stone laid in 1949 by the great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the then Vice President of India, the DPS Society has been embellished by the rich experience of six decades.A non-profit,non-proprietary association working for education excellence , the DPS Society enjoys a rich experience across six decades.By providing education to a wide community, the society is contributing to individual, community and national progress. Every student here is in the centre of all. Development of a student is focussed across the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and aesthetic level .Student learning is encouraged through a spirit of enquiry and completion. Student’s growth is promoted through the empowerment in school teams, career guidance and counselling.The process is facilitated through a mature school-parent relationship for mutual benefit by approximately 140 schools within India and 20 schools outside India. DPS Guwahati with pioneering concepts of quality education is today a preferred route to many parents in NE Region who find school environs ideal for their children to spend 12 years of school education. Whlie we have already carved a niche in NE Region, it aspires to be recognized as India’s most progressive school. We aim to achieve this by ensuring that all of our activities are relevant, innovative and responsive to the members associated.