Where is Bishop Westcott Boys School ?
Bishop Westcott Boys School is Located in Ranchi , Jharkhand, India
Address of Bishop Westcott Boys School, Ranchi
How do I contact Bishop Westcott Boys School?
Call at +91-6516565004 to contact Bishop Westcott Boys School
About Bishop Westcott Boys School
The Bishop Westcott Schools were founded by the Right Rev. Dr. Foss Westcott, Bishop of Chotanagpur in 1921. Bishop Westcott Boys' School was founded in 1927.Initially, the school was meant for Anglo Indian children, most of whose parents were either missionaries or in the foreign service. Later on other children of other communities were taken in and the school achieved a secular status. The school premises is situated on the lands of the villages of jorar and Namkum, which are in the outskirts of Ranchi. The very aim of education should be used for the development of character, stimulation of interest and maintaining of one's mental vision. These are the essential values which education should inculcate. We are reminded here of the biblical saying that 'Man lives not only by bread alone'. The realization of inner divinity in every manifestation and the essential utility that exists in nature despite all its diversity should be basis of education which in turn will bring out unity in thought and truthfulness in action. As such education must prepare one to face life with honesty and courage, two very important components. It must help one as an individual to one's utmost potential and at the same time it must enable one to see one's self as a member of the society and interact in a creative way with the challenge thrown up by the society. So we see that it is essential to strike a balance between the aspiration of the individual and the demands strike a balance between the aspiration of the individual and the demands of the society. As atmospheric pollution is dangerous so is mental pollution but just as it has been realized that an effort must be made to protect, preserve and enrich the natural environment so the dangers arising out of mental pollution must also be protected. Quote- Swami Vivekananda where he said that "The Education which does not help the common mass of the people to equip themselves for the struggles of life, which does not bring out strength of character, spirit of philanthropy and the courage of a lion - is it worth its name? Real education is that which enables one to stand on one's own legs not only in terms of materialistic needs but by spiritual and human needs also. A combination of these two, will be beneficial to mankind. So we should strive to evolve sound education. The progress of Science and Technology is such that there is no alternative to peace because a war by Nuclear arms will annihilate the whole of humanity. Hence the importance of value oriented education needs no special emphasis but is rather a necessity and the rivalries arising out of anger, greed, jealousy and hatred must be replaced by love, respect, tolerance and service. Wars are fought basically in the minds of men and therefore defence of peace must also be built in the minds of men. The means to do this can be provided by education.