Where is Anubhuti International Residential School ?
Anubhuti International Residential School is Located in Jalgaon , Maharashtra, India
Address of Anubhuti International Residential School, Jalgaon
How do I contact Anubhuti International Residential School?
Call at +91-9422776798 to contact Anubhuti International Residential School
About Anubhuti International Residential School
Anubhuti’s mission is to create a learning environment conducive to nurturing the learners and the educators to be creative, capable, compassionate and equanimous citizens of character with global outlook. Anubhuti shall achieve this mission with a rational commitment to the time-tested, multifaceted Indian culture, the spirit of mutual dependence, enlightened entrepreneurship and global outlook, leading them to be socially aligned, environmentally conscious and sensitive human beings. Indian culture has evolved over the past several millennia. It embodies close family ties, peaceful societal coexistence and reverence towards all forms of life as well as the environment. It considers the relationship between individual life, social life and the surroundings as an integrated whole. Above all, it strongly advocates a deep regard and love for the sustenance and protection of the environment through conservation, austerity, non-accumulation and detachment at the individual as well as at the community level. They are moved by the spirit of trusteeship. They believe that Anubhuti is merely a token of gratitude towards society. The basic infrastructure has been put in place and hence there will be no financial burden on Anubhuti.