Junior Research Fellowship JRF for students online
Purpose The objective of this scheme is to provide an opportunity to research scholars to undertake advanced study and research in Engineering and Technology and Agricultural Engineering leading to Ph.D. Subjects like Geology and Geo- Physics are not considered under Engineering and Technology Eligibility Minimum qualifications are Master' s degree in Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy with 55 percent of marks. GATE is not a mandatory condition for getting research fellowship to pursue Ph.D. Candidates need not hold a B.E./B.Tech. degree. Age limit is forty years as on Ist July of the year of Award, relaxable by 5 years for women candidates and SC/ST. Selection method Applications are invited once a year through advertisement in leading newspapers, for the award of research fellowship in Engineering and Technology for pursuing research leading to Ph.D. The selection will be made on merit on the basis of interviews of the candidates by an Expert Committee appointed by the Commission. The decision of the Commission in this regard shall be final. Value of fellowship The value of research fellowships in Engineering and Technology shall be Rs. 2,500/- (unrevised) per month for the first two years with an annual contingent grant of Rs. 7,500/- (unrevised). At the end of two years of research fellowships, the work done by the fellows will be assessed in a manner as prescribed by the Commission as per details in para 5 for continuation and enhancement of the fellowship. The fellowship for the third and subsequent years will be Rs. 2,800/- p.m. There will be no change in the amount of contingent grant and it will remain at the same level as in the first and second year.* Tenure The total duration of research fellowship will be four years initially extendable by one year in deserving cases. The awardee can avail of research f'ellowship upto full tenure of the fellowship or the date of award of the Ph.D. degree, whichever is earlier even after submission of thesis provided the supervisor recommends such continuation until the viva voce. Other conditions Research Fellows in Engineering and Technology should join technical institutions and not the science departments of universities. The fellow will do whole time research work under the approved guide
in a subject (A). The fellow shall present to the university, through his supervisor, half yearly report on the progress of his work and the university/institution will maintain a record of progress done by the fellow by obtaining the same for the period ending June and December every year. (B). If a fellow wishes to relinquish the fellowship during the tenure it should be done with the prior approval of the university. The fellow should also obtain prior permission of the university for appearing in any examination conducted by any university or public body. (C) The fellow shall not accept or hold any appointment paid or otherwise or receive any emoluments, salary, stipend etc. from any other source during the tenure of the award. Research Fellows with the consent of the Guide/Head of the Department may assist the university/institution in its teaching programmes if called upon to do so, including tutorials, evaluation of test papers, laboratory demonstration work, seminar, symposia etc. provided that such work undertaken by him/her is not likely to hamper his/her research programmes on hand. (D). Research Fellows should join technical institutes and not the science departments of the universities. In special cases the Commission may place a Research fellow in an institution not covered by the UGC Act if the institution concerned agrees to provide all the infrastructural facilities fur the research pursuits of the Research Fellows and to meet all expenditure as per rules set forth above. The fellowship may be terminated at any time without assigning reasons and the Commission/Institution�s decision in this regard shall be final. Payment of fellowships Institutions may Pay the fellowship amount to the fellows, and meet other expenses from out of the grants paid by the Commission for the purpose in accordance with the rules set forth above. To avoid any hardship to fellows due to delay in payments to them, the Commission would release amount equivalent to 90 percent of one year fellowship and contingency etc. to the institution for the number of Research fellows working in that institution during that year. The remaining 10 percent will be released on receiving Utilization Certificate. For the release of subsequent instalment of grant i.e., fellowship, contingency and departmental assistance, etc. a Utilisation Certificate along with the statement of expenditure incurred may be sent to the Commission at the end of every year together with a half yearly progress report of work done by the awardee. Reservations 22,50 percent of the fellowships: are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes who fulfil the requisite qualifications laid down for the award. For further details contact:
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