CBSE Set Qa1 Physics Sample Test Papers For Class 12th for students online
Class- XII
You are on Set no 1 Answer 1 to 13
Q1) Horizontal
component of Earth's magnetic field at a place is 3
times the vertical component. What is the value of angle of dip at this place?
(Marks 1)
Ans1) tan
= BV/BH = 1/
or = 30o
Q2) Force
between two point electric charges kept at a distance d apart in air is
F. If these charges are kept at the same distance in water, how does the force
between them change? (Marks 1)
Ans2) F = (1/4o
where r is
the relative permittivity.
r = 1 for
air & 81 for water.
Fa/Fw = 81/1
or Fw = 81 Fa
Q3) Give
any two factors on which thermo-electric emf produced in a thermo-couple
depends. (Marks 1)
Ans3) Thermoemf depends on
(i) Temp difference between the junctions
(ii) Nature of metals forming thermocouple
Q4) The
electric current in a wire in the direction from B to A is decreasing. What is
the direction of induced current in the metallic loop kept above the wire as
shown in the figure? (Marks 1)
Induced current will be clockwise
Q5) Name
the electromagnetic radiations used for viewing objects through haze and fog.
(Marks 1)
Ans5) Infrared rays.
Q6) Give
the ratio of the number of holes and the number of conduction electrons in an
intrinsic semiconductor. (Marks 1)
Ans6) One
Q7) In
the given diagram, is the diode D forward or reversed biased? (Marks 1)
Ans7) The diode is reverse biased since n-type is at a potential higher
than p-type.
Q8) Name
the planet which has maximum value of albedo.
(Marks 1)
Ans8) Venus
Q9) Two
point electric charges of unknown magnitude and sign are placed a distance 'd'
apart. The electric field intensity is zero at a point, not between the charges
but on the line joining them. Write two essential conditions for this to happen.
(Marks 2)
Ans9) (i) They should be of opposite signs
(ii) They must be of unequal magnitude.
Q10) The
variation of potential difference V with length l in case of two potentiometers
X and Y is as shown in the given diagram. Which one of these two will you prefer
for comparing emf's to two cells and why? (Marks 2)
Ans10) Potentiometer Y has less potential gradient (V/l). It will require
more length for measuring same potential difference & hence will be more
sensitive and accurate. So Y will be prefered
Q11) )
Name any one material having a small value of temperature coefficient of
resistance. Write one use of this material. (Marks 2)
Ans11) Constantan (or manganin) has low temp coefficient of resistance. It
is used for making standard resistors.
Q12) Write
two advantages and two disadvantages of a secondary cell over a primary cell.
(Marks 2)
Ans12) Advantages of secondary cell over primary cell:
(i) It can be recharged and hence its life is long.
(ii) It has low internal resistance & hence we can get a large current.
(i) It is bulky & heavy , so is not easily portable.
(ii) Its Initial cost is very high.
Q13) In
the figure, the straight wire AB is fixed while the loop is free to move under
the influence of the electric currents flowing in them. In which direction does
the loop begin to move? Give reason for your answer. (Marks 2)
Force on AB & CD are equal & opposite, so cancel out.
The side AD experiences a force of attraction towards EF as they carry current
in same direction. The force is given by FAD = oI1I2/2
The side BC experiences a force of repulsion towards EF which is given by
FBC = oI1I2/2
Net force = FAD - FBC which is towards EF i.e. ,the loop
begins to move towards left.
Q14) A
radio frequency choke is air-cored coil whereas in audio frequency choke is
iron-cored. Give reasons for this difference.
(Marks 2)
Ans14) Inductance L of iron-cored chokes is much greater than that of air
cored choke.
Now Irons = Vrms/XL = Vrms/2VL
For a required value of irons, VL should be constant. If V is high (radiofrequency),
L should be small (air cored). If V is low (audio frequency), L should be high
(iron - cored)
An astronomical telescope consists of two thin lenses set 36 cm apart and has
a magnifying power 8. Calculate the focal lengths of the lenses. (Marks 2)
Ans15) m = fo/fe or fo = mfe
Also fo + fe = L
or mfe + fe = L
(m + 1) fe = L
Given m = 8 , L = 36
fe (1 + 8) = 36 or fe = 4 cm
& fo = 8 fe = 8 x 4 = 32 cm.
Q16) Use the mirror
formula to show that for an object lying between the pole and focus of a concave
mirror, the image formed is always virtual in nature. (Marks 2)
Ans16) According to mirror formula
1/f = 1/v + 1/u
using sign convention
-1/|f| = 1/v - 1/|u|
or 1/v = 1/|u| - 1/|f|
object lies between pole & focus. So |u| < |f|
= 1/|u| 1/|f|
or 1/v is (+ ve) or v is (+ ve). Hence a virtual image is formed.
Q17) An -particle
and a proton are accelerated through the same potential difference. Calculate
the ratio of velocities acquired by the two particles. (Marks 2)
Ans17) When a charge particle of charge q is accelerated through a
potential difference of V, it acquires a velocity v given by
qV = 1/2 mv2
For particle
(2e)V = 1/2 mv
- (i)
For proton
(e)V = 1/2 mpvp2 - (ii)
Dividing (i) by (ii)
2 = mv
or v2/vp2
= 2mp/m
= 1/4
= v2/vp2
= 2 x 1/4 =1/2
or v/vp
= 1/
Q18) Describe the
method used for determination of distance of a planet by parallax method.
(Marks 2)
Parallax Method: A
planet P is observed simultaneously from two different observation
centres A & B on surface of earth. The angle ![]() ![]() or D = b/ ![]() |
![]() |
Q19) Explain
the principle of a tangent galvanometer. How does the reduction factor of the
galvanometer change, when (i) number of turns of the coil is increased and (ii)
radius of the coil is decreased? Give reason for your answer in each case.
(Marks 3)
Ans19) Tangent galvanometer is based on Tangent law which states that
when a magnet is suspended under the combined action of two uniform magnetic
fields of intensities F & H perpendicular to each other, the magnet comes to
rest making an angle with
the direction of H such that F=H tan
Reduction factor of a tangent galvanometer is given by
K = 2rBH/no
where n : no of turns of coil
BH : Horizontal component of earth's field
r : radius of coil
(i) K 1/n, so the
reduction factor decreases when the no. of turns of the coil increases
(ii) K r, so reduction
decreases when the radius of the coil is decreased.
Q20) A
wire of uniform cross-section and length l has a resistance of 16 .
It is cut into four equal parts. Each part is stretched uniformly to length l
and all the four stretched parts are connected in parallel. Calculate the total
resistance of the combination so formed. Assume that stretching of wire does not
cause any change in the density of its material. (Marks 3)
Ans20) Let l be the length of unstretched wire & A be its area. Its
resistance is 16
When cut into 4 equal parts, resistance of each small part will be 16/4 = 4 ,
& length of each small part = l/4
Now R = sl/A
For each small part 4 = (s(l/4))/A or 4 = sl/4A - (i)
When each part of length l/4 is stretched to length l, area of each part becomes
1/4th i.e, A/4,
... resistance of each stretched part R' = sl/(A/4) = 4sl/A - (ii)
From (i) & (ii)
R' = 64
Now four wires each of resistance 64
are connected in parallel. Their resultant Rp is given.
1/Rp = 1/64 + 1/64 + 1/64 + 1/64 = 1/16
or Rp = 16
Q21) An
electric heater and an electric bulb are rated 500 W, 220 V and 100 W, 220 V
respectively. Both are connected in series to a 220 V a.c. mains. Calculate the
power consumed by (i) the heater and (ii) electric bulb. (Marks 1+2)
Ans21) We know P = V2/R or R =V2/P
For 500 W heater - resistance R1 = (220)2/500 = 484/5
Resistance of 100 W bulb R2 = (220)2/100 = 484
When connected in series, then total resistance R is
R = R1 + R2 = 484/5 + 484 = (484 x 6)/5
As they are in series, same current flows through them
I = V/R = (220 x 5)/(6 x 484) = 25/66 A
Power consumed by 500 W, 220V heater = I2R1
= (25/66)2 x 484/5 = 13.89 W
Power consumed by 100 W, 220 bulb = I2R2
= (25/66)2 x 484 = 69.44 W
Q22) Why is diffraction of
sound waves easier to observe than diffraction of light waves? What two main
changes in diffraction pattern of a single slit will you observe when the
monochromatic source of light is replaced by a source of white light?
(Marks 3)
Ans22) For diffraction to occur, the size of obstacle should be comparable
to wavelength. Wavelength of Sound Waves is very large compared to light waves,
hence bending of light waves is very small as compared to sound waves. Changes
in diffraction pattern of a single slit when monochromatic source of light is
replaced by white light:
1. In case of monochromatic light, diffraction pattern consists of alternate
bright and dark bands of unequal widths. In case of white light the diffraction
pattern is coloured & central maximum is white.
2. As band width is proportional to wavelength, red band with larger wavelength
is wider than violet band with smaller wavelength.
Q23) Explain
surface wave and sky wave propagations of radio waves. Why is short wave
communication over long distances not possible by surface wave propagation.
(Marks 3)
Ans23) Surface wave propagation: The amplitude modulated radiowaves
which are travelling directly following the surface of the earth are called
surface waves. They can have frequency upto 1500KHz.
Sky wave propagation: The amplitude modulated radiowaves which are
received after being reflected from the ionoshere are called sky waves. Their
frequency is from 1500KHz to 40MHz. Short wave communication over long range is
not possible by surface wave propagation as the surface wave band around the
corners of the objects on the earth and hence their intensity falls with
Q24) Give
reasons for following observations on the surface of moon:
(i) Sun-rise and sun-set are abrupt
(ii) Sky appears dark
(iii) A rainbow is never observed. (Marks 3)
Ans24) (i) As there is no atmosphere on the moon, the phenomenon of
refraction does not occur due to which sun-rise and sun-set are abrupt.
(ii) There is no scattering of light on moon due to absence of atmosphere &
hence sky around moon appears black.
(iii) Rainbow is the result of refraction and total internal reflection of light
by water molecules in air. As there is no water in the atmosphere of moon,
rainbow is never observed.
Q25) The energy levels of an
atom of element are shown in the following diagram. Which one of the level
transitions will result in the emission of photons of wavelength 620 nm? Support
your answer with mathematical calculations. (Marks 3)
Ans25) E2 - E1 = h
= hc/
= 620 nm = 620 x 10-9
E2 - E1 = (6.6 x 10-34 x 3 x 108)/(620
x 10-9) J = 3.2 x 10-19 J = (3.2 x 10-19)/(1.6
x 10-19) eV = 2 eV
In transition D E2 - E1 = - 1 - (- 3) = 2 ev
Hence D emits radiation of wavelength 620 nm .
Q26) Give the
logic symbol and truth table for AND gate. Explain, with the help of a circuit
diagram, how this gate is realised in practices. (Marks 3)
Ans26) Symbol of AND Gate:
Truth Table of AND Gate:
A | B | Y |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Realization of AND Gate:
(i) When both A and B are connected to earth (i.e. A = 0 and B = 0) both the
diodes D1 and D2 get forward biased and hence conduct. The
diodes being ideal, no voltage drop takes place across either diode. Therefore a
voltage drop of 5V takes place across R, with C at zero potential w.r.t. earth.
Thus the output y (which is the voltage at C) is 0 (in level).
(ii) When A is earthed and B is connected to positive terminal of battery 5V
(i.e. A = 0 and B = 1), the diode D1 will conduct while D2
will not conduct. Since diode D1 is ideal, no voltage drop takes
place across D1 . Therefore a voltage drop of 5V takes place across
R, having D at + 5V and C at zero volt w.r.t. earth. Now the output y is
(0 in level).
(iii) When A is connected to positive terminal of battery 5 V and B is earthed
(i.e. A = 1 and B = 0) the diode D2 will conduct while D1
will not conduct. Since D2 is ideal, no voltage drop takes place
across D2. Therefore, a voltage drop of 5V takes place across R,
having terminal D at + 5V and C at zero volt w.r.t. earth . Now the output Y is
0 (in level).
(iv) When A and B both are connected to positive terminal of battery 5V (i.e. A
= 1 and B = 1), none of the diodes will conduct. There will be no current
through R. Now potential at C is equal to potential at D, which is equal to + 5V
w.r.t. earth. Hence the output is 1 (in level).
Q27) Drawing a
labelled circuit diagram, explain how a NPN transistor can be used as an
amplifier in common base configuration. (Marks 3)
The input (emitter base) circuit is forward biased by using a low
battery voltage VEB. As a result, the resistance of input circuit is
small . The output (collector base) circuit is reverse biased by using battery
voltage VCB. Due to which, the resistance of output circuit is large.
RL is a load resistance connected in collector circuit. The low input
a.c. voltage signal is applied across emitter base circuit and the amplified a.c.
voltage signal (i.e. output) is obtained as the change in collector voltage.
When no a.c. signal voltage is applied to input circuit but emitter base circuit
is closed then let us consider that Ie, Ib and Ic
be the emitter current, base current and collector current respectively. Then,
according to Kirchhoff's first law.
Ie = Ib + Ic - (i)
Let us consider 5% of the emitter current appears as base current due to
electron hole combination in base and 95% of the emitter current flows as a
collector current. i.e., Ib = 5% of Ie = 0.05 Ie
and Ic = 95% of Ie = 0.95 Ie . Due to collector
current Ic voltage drop across RL = ICRL.
If VC is collector voltage (i.e.,potential difference between
collector and base ) then
or VC = VCB - ICRL -
When the input signal voltage is fed to the emitter base circuit, it will
change the emitter voltage and hence to the emitter current; which in turn will
change the collector current. Due to which the collector voltage VC
will vary in accordance with relation (ii). This variation in collector voltage
appears as an amplified output.
Phase relationship between input and output voltages.
When the positive half cycle of input a.c. signal voltage comes, it
opposes the forward biasing of the emitter base circuit. Due to which the
emitter current decreases and consequently the collector current decreases. As a
result of which, the collector voltage VC increases [from relation
(ii)]. Since the collector is connected to the positive terminal of VCB
battery, therefore the increase in collector voltage means the collector will
become more positive. This indicates that during positive half cycle of input
a.c. signal voltage, the output signal voltage at the collector also varies
through a positive half cycle.
When negative half cycle of input a.c. signal voltage comes, it supports
the forwards biasing of emitter base circuit. Due to which the emitter current
increases and consequently the collector current increases. As a result of which
, the collector voltage VC decreases [from relation (ii)] i.e., the
collector becomes less positive. This indicates that during negative half cycle
of input a.c. signal voltage, the output signal voltage at the collector also
varies through the negative half cycle.
Thus in common base amplifier circuit, the input signal voltage and the
output collector voltage are in the same phase, as shown in fig.
Q28) Explain
the effect of introducing a dielectric slab between the plates of a parallel
plate capacitor on its capacitance. Derive an expression for its capacitance
with dielectric as the medium between the plates.
Give the principle and explain the working of a Van de Graaff generator with the
help of a labelled diagram (Marks 5)
Ans28) Van de Graff Generator:
Principle: This generator is based on
(i) the action of sharp points i.e. the phenomenon of corona discharge.
(ii) the property that charge given to a hollow conductor is transferred to
outer surface and is distributed uniformly over it.
Working: The spray comb is given a positive potential (~ 104 Volt.) w.r.t. the earth by high tension source H.T. Due to discharging action of sharp points, a positively charged electric wind is set up, which sprays positive charge on the belt (corona discharge). As the belt moves, and reaches the sphere, a negative charge is induced on the sharp ends of collecting comb B2 and an equal positive charge is induced on the farther end of B2 . This positive charge shifts immediately to the outer surface of S. Due to discharging action of sharp points of B2, a negatively charged electric wind is set up. This neutralises the positive charge on the belt. The uncharged belt returns down, collects the positive charge from B1, which in turn is collected by B2. This is repeated. Thus the positive charge on S goes on accumulating. | ![]() |
Now, the capacity of spherical shell
= 4oR,
where R is radius of he shell.
As V = Q/C ... V = Q/(4oR)
Hence the potential V of the spherical shell goes on increasing with increase in
Capacitor of parallel plate capacitor with dielectric medium between the plates:
The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate
separation d with vacuum/air in between is
Co =oA/d
Suppose ± Q are the charges on the capacitor plates which produce
a uniform electric field o
in the space between the plates.
When a dielectric slab of
thickness t < d is introduced between the plates, the
molecules in the slab get polarized in the direction of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Outside the dielectric, field remains ![]() |
![]() |
Therefore, potential difference
between the two plates is
V = Eo(d - t) + Et
But Eo/E = r
or K ... E = Eo/K
... V = Eo (d - t) + Eo/K t
V = Eo[d - t + t/K]
As Eo = /
= Q/A
... V = Q/Ao
[d - t + t/K]
... Capacitance of the capacitor with dielectric in between is
C = Q/V = Ao/[d
- t + t/K] =
- t (1 - 1/K)]
i.e. C = oA/[d
- t (1 - 1/K)]
Clearly C Co i.e. on introduction of a dielectric slab in
between the plates of a capacitor, its capacitance increases.
If d = t
C = oA/[d -
d + d/K)]
or C = KoA/d
or C = KCo
Distinguish between reactance and impedance. When a series combination of a coil
of inductance L and a resistor of resistance R is connected across a 12 V, 50 Hz
supply, a current of 0.5A flow through the circuit. The current differs in phase
from applied voltage by /3
radian. Calculate the value of L and R. (Marks 5)
Reactance: Reactance is the resistance offered by an inductor or a capacitor to the flow of alternating current through them : Inductive reactance = XL = ![]() Capacitive reactance= XC = 1/ ![]() |
Impedance : The combined oppositions offered by a resistor, inductor & capacitor to the flow of alternating current through them is called reactance Numerically it is equal to Z = ![]() |
(ii) Vrms = 12V ,= 50Hz , Irms = 0.5 A Ø =
/3 L = ? , R = ? Z = Vrms/Irms = 12/0.5 = 24
- (i) Also tan Ø = XL/R ... XL/R = tan(
/3) or XL =
3R - (ii) Z =
(R2 + XL2) Z2 = R2 + XL2 - (iii) 242 = R2 + 3R2 or R2 =144 R = 12
XL =
L = 2
L =
3R ... L =
) = (
3 x 12)/(2 x 3.14 x 50) = 0.066 H
Q30) Explain
the process of release of energy in a nuclear reactor. Draw a labelled diagram
of a nuclear reactor and write the function of each part. (Marks 5)
Ans30) Nuclear Reactor:
Principle: A nuclear reactor is based upon controlled nuclear chain
Construction: The main components of nuclear reactor are;
(1) Nuclear Fuel : It is a fissinable material like 92U235
(2) Moderator : Its function is to slow down the fast moving secondary neutrons
produced during the fission. Suitable material used as moderator are heavy
water, graphite.
(3) Control Rods : They have the ability to absorb the slow neutrons. To control
the chain reaction, these rods cue inserted in the holes of reactor core upto a
desirable length. As a result of it, the desired number of neutrons are absorbed
and only limited number of neutrons are left to produce fission. These rods are
made of boron or Cadmium.
(4) Coolant : It is used to remove the heat produced and transfer it from the
core of the nuclear reactor to the surroundings. Generally coolant used is heavy
water or liquid Sodium.
The coolant takes up the heat energy produced nuclear fission and passes on this
energy to water in heat exchanger. As a result of it superheated steam is
produced which drives a turbine coupled with an electric generator.
(5) Shielding : The whole reactor is protected with concrete walls, 2 to 2.5
metres thick, so that the radiations emitted during nuclear radiations may not
produce harmful effects.
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