CBSE Set Set2 Economics Sample Test Papers For Class 12th for students online

Latest for students online. All these are just samples for prepration for exams only. These are not actual papers.

Economics Class - XII  (CBSE)
You are on Set ll questions
(Only those questions have been given ,which are different from Set l)

Q1  Why are imports not included in the estimation of national income. (1mark)

Q11Calculate value added by firm A and by firm B from the following data.

    Rs. (lakhs)
i. Purchases by firm A from rest of the world 40
ii Sales by firm B 90
iii Purchase by firm A from firm B 10
iv Sales by firm A 10
v Exports by firm A 30
vi Opening stock of firm AY 20
vii Closing stock of firm B 20
viii Closing stock of firm A 25
ix Opening stock of firm B 60
x Purchases by firm B from firm A 40
xi Sales by firm P to general Government 20 (3)


Q12 Distinguish between intermediate goods and final goods. Give two examples of each.(3 marks)

Q13 Calculate gross national product at factor cost from the following data :

    Rs. (crores)
i. Net domestic fixed capital formation 50
ii Private final consumption expenditure 500
iii Subsidies 10
iv Opening stock 30
v Net factor income from abroad -(10)
vi Closing stock 40
vii Net indirect taxes 50
viii Government final consumption expenditure 200
ix Consumption of fixed capital 60
x Net exports
15   (3)
15 Calculate national income from the following data :

    Rs. (crores)
i. Profits 220
ii Compensation of employees 350
iii Interest 100
iv Consumption of fixed capital 50
v Opening Stock 30
vi Subsidies 20
vii Closing stock 50
viii Mixed income of self-employed 150
ix Employer's contribution to scial security schemes 30
x Net factor income from abroad 10
xi Rent 80
xii Indirect taxes 90 (3)

24 Explain the relationship between marginal revenue and total revenue. (2 marks)

Q28 Distinguish between expansion of supply and increase in supply. Explain briefly.(3 marks)


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