CBSE Set Q1 Business Studies Sample Test Papers For Class 12th for students online
Business Studies Class - XII
You are on questions of Set II
Principles and Functions of Management
Q 1 Give any two points of distinction between
administration and management. 2 marks
Q 2 What is meant by motion study? 2 marks
Q 3 Define 'direction', as a function of management. 2 marks
Q 4 Why is line and staff organisation considered better than line organisation?
Give any three reasons. 3 marks
Q 5 Distinguish between authority and
responsibility on the basis of :
(i) Delegation,
(ii) Origin, and
(iii) Direction of flow. 3 marks
Q 6 The marketing manager of Aditi Ltd., an organisation manufacturing
generators, has been asked to achieve a target sale of 150 generators per day.
He delegates the task to 15 sales managers working under him. Five of the sales
managers could not achieve their respective targets. Is the
marketing manager responsible? Explain, in brief, the relevant principle in
support of your answer. 4 marks
Q 7 "Co-ordination is a continuous activity
in an organisation." Explain this statement briefly. 5 marks
Q 8 Explain briefly the principle of parity of authority and responsibility.
5 marks
Q 9 Which method of wage payment will you prefer as a worker - time rate or
piece rate? Give reasons in support of your answer. 5 marks
Q 10 Explain, in brief, the various steps involved in the process of control. 5
Q 11 What is planning? Explain any four features of planning, in brief. 6 marks
What are the various steps involved in the process of planning? Discuss.
Q 12 Explain, in brief, the various functions of
a supervisor. 8 marks
Differentiate between formal and informal communication.
(Functional Management)
Q 13 What is meant by 'price mix'?
Q 14 State, in brief, the responsibilities of a personnel manager towards top
level management. 3 marks
Q 15 Give any three points of difference between training and development. 3
Q 16 State any three advantages of debenture issue as a source of finance. 3
Q 17 Explain any three effects of under-capitalisation on a company. 3 marks
Q 18 State the objectives of personal selling. 3 marks
Q 19 What is meant by recruitment? Distinguish between recruitment and selection
of employees. 1+3= 4 marks
Q 20 Performance appraisal helps the management in taking different types of
personnel decisions. Explain, in brief, any four of these decisions. 4 marks
Q 21 Explain briefly any five factors to be considered at the time of
determining working capital requirement. 5 marks
Q 22 What are the remedies available to consumers under the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986? Discuss. 5 marks
Q 23 What is meant by financial planning? Explain, in brief, the important
decisions taken under financial planning. 7 marks
Explain briefly the factors which a company
should consider while planning its capital structure.
Q 24 "It pay to advertise." Do you agree with this statement? Give
reasons in support of your answer. 8 marks
Explain briefly the qualities of a good salesman.
(Factory Organisation)
Q 25 Give the meaning of 'supplies' with the help
of a suitable example. 2 marks
Q 26 Give two factors which should be considered before deciding the mode of
transport to be used by a factory. 2 marks
Q 27 Distinguish between skilled worker and unskilled worker on the basis of:
(3 marks)
(i) Intelligence,
(ii) technical knowledge, and
(iii) remuneration.
Q 28 Explain briefly any three provisions of the Factories Act for the welfare
of workers. 3 marks
Q 29 Why does a factory require working capital? Explain briefly any three
factors that influence the requirement of working capital in a factory. 4 marks
Q 30 State the law relating to holidays and leave in a factory. 4 marks
Q 31 Give any five characteristics of a small scale factory. 5 marks
Q 32 Explain briefly any five reasons for the preference of single-storied
factory building. 5 marks
Q 33 What is 'process layout'? How does the process layout overcome the
limitations of product layout? Explain briefly. 5 marks
Q 34 Explain the responsibilities of a factory manager towards management. 5
Q 35 What are the factors that should be kept in mind while selecting the
location of a factory? Explain. 6 marks
Q. Sameer, a small shopkeeper, wants to get his shop registered under the Shops
and Establishment Act. But he does not know the provisions of this act. Explain,
in brief, the procedure he should adopt for registration of the shop under the
relevant act.
Q 36 Explain, in brief, the following terms used in materials control:
(i) Minimum level,
(ii) Maximum level, and
(iii)Ordering level. 6 marks
Explain, in brief, First-In-First-Out method of pricing materials with suitable
example. Also give its merits.
(Office Administration)
Q 37 What limitations of owned building of an
office may be overcome by rented building? 2 marks
Q 38 What steps should the management take to overcome the following
difficulties in the flow of work in an office?
(i) Employees attitude to work.
(ii) Absence of employees.
(iii) Non-availability of materials. 3 marks
Q 39 Explain, in brief, any two drawbacks of
centralised mailing in an office. How can they do overcome? 3 marks
Q 40 What is 'post box service'? What is the purpose of this service? Explain. 3
Q 41 State the principles that you will keep in mind while planning the layout
of an office. 4 marks
Q 42 Explain, in brief, the routine that you will keep in mind while planning
the layout of an office. 4 marks
Q 43 Discuss briefly the role of office manager in an organisation. 5 marks
Q 44 Explain, in brief, the following principles of office organisation:
(i) Span of control
(ii) Esprit-de-corps (5 marks)
Q 45 What are the circumstances under which oral communication is better than
written communication? 5 marks
Q 46 In what respects is vertical filing system better than horizontal filing
system? 5 marks
Q 47 You are to select an appropriate method of indexing for your office. What
factors will you keep in mind while selecting the method? Explain briefly.
5 marks
Q 48 What factors will you consider while selecting office machines? Explain. 6
What are the various purposes for which computers may be used in an office?